Reaching and Mobilizing Gen Z - Part 1
Dr. Jolene Erlacher
Dr. Hélder Favarin
Andrew Feng
Heather Pubols
They are truly the first generation of digital natives…the first truly post-Christian generation in the US. They are Gen Z – those born between 1996 and 2010. This generation is abandoning the church in record numbers. So, what does this mean as missionaries worldwide seek to develop transformative relationships with the next generation and how do we effectively engage them with the gospel and with mission? Don’t miss Part 1 of this powerful round table discussion, this weekend on Missions Today!
"I'm passionate about learning from Paul's missionary activity according to Luke in Acts.
And it impacted me very, very much. So when Heather invited me to write one of the articles and gave me flexibility, that passage in Acts 17 came to mind. I find it so relevant, particularly as we connected to Gen Z and the way that Paul was bringing the gospel, engaging in God's mission in a pioneer context where there was no biblical framework, where there was a competing attention from different gods.”
Heather Pubols – Editorial Director, Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ)
Dr. Hélder Favarin – Global Youth and Young Adult Initiatives Director, Community Bible Study
Andrew Feng – US Director, Indigitous