Rick Allen

Support for Medical Missions

Medical Missions and Medical Missionaries are nothing new. But what might be news to you is an organization that helps offset the costs of medical training and helps care for medical missionaries in the field. Join Collin this weekend as he talks to Rick Allen with MedSend. That’s this weekend on Missions Today!

"I had been successful. In the eyes of the world, I had accomplished much. I was commuting into New York City, running software organizations. I lived in Fairfield, Connecticut on the beach. I had four kids in a private Christian school. I had all the toys and opportunities that the world can offer and I was not content. It was that lack of contentment that led me to say, 'Lord, am I where i'm supposed to be?' It was part of my maturation as a Christ follower to get to the point where I even asked that question."

For more information on Rick Allen:


Dr. Jenifer Wakefield


Luke Perkins